Samsung unveiled the Gear S3 smartwatch a couple of months ago. During the announcement, the company revealed that it had been working with Spotify to create a native application for the wearable device. The Gear S3 has since been released but the Spotify app is nowhere to be found. There’s some clarity on the matter now. It appears that the Spotify Gear S3 app is going to be released next month.
- Textra SMS (Samsung Gear S3 Messaging App) Recommended by a lot of users, Textra SMS can be.
- Your Gear S3 auto-tracks six types of exercises from the get-go. When your Gear S3 is synced with the S Health app, you get detailed information and long-term reports on your workouts. And when needed, you have a step-by-step guide right on your wrist.
- The Gear S3 now has an official Spotify app to allow you to enjoy music from your wrist through Wi-Fi or LTE. You’ll be free to browse through a catalog of over 30 million songs and play music from your own library of playlists, charts and search for tracks on the app.
- Easily Play Spotify Music on Samsung Gear S3. Now is transferring music time. As you just got all the DRM-free Spotify songs, now you need to transfer them to your smartphone. Connect your phone with your computer now, and copy the songs to your phone. Noted: Prepare a Bluetooth headset from the Gear S3 to avoid playing music on your phone.
In order to install Spotify on your Gear S2 or Gear S3, just bring up the Gear Manager app on your smartphone and open the Galaxy Apps Store and search for Spotify. If the app is not there it. You can easily access your Spotify Playlist using your Samsung Gear S3 while being offline. This is great for when you have to put your Gear Watch in Airplan.
The Gear S3 was released about a week back. Samsung is offering two variants of the wearable device, the Gear S3 classic and Gear S3 frontier. Both have more or less the same features, there are only minor design changes and the only big difference is that the Gear S3 frontier has support for cellular connectivity.
Samsung said during the announcement that the Gear S3 has a dedicated Spotify application which will enable users to stream music over Wi-Fi or even 4G. The app was also said to have the ability to save playlists for offline listening.
Those who already have a Gear S3 will know that the app isn’t available right now. Some much-needed clarity comes from the official Facebook page of Samsung Australia in which a representative answered a question related to the app by saying that “The Spotify app is expected to be available by mid-December.”
At least this should calm those who thought that perhaps this app had been discontinued. That no longer appears to be the case but a precise release date will certainly be preferred.
Filed in . Read more about Gear S3, Samsung, Spotify and Wearable Tech.
Spotify, the music streaming app is one of the most used apps on any platforms, including mobiles, desktop & even wearables. The app is available to download in Apple App Store, Android Play Store, Apple Watches & Wear OS smartwatches. It launched on Samsung Gear wearables 2 years ago with Samsung Gear S3 smartwatch. Now it is must have app in the Gear Store/Galaxy Store and used by millions of users. Spotify app on smartphones is much easier to use and navigate but on smartwatches with the tiny screen it is difficult. To overcome this situation Samsung & Spotify both launched better version of it on Gear S3 Frontier & Gear S3 Classic models and later on Gear Sport wearable.
Now the Spotify app is available for Samsung Galaxy Watch to serve thosands of songs to music lovers. To give better services Samsung & Spotify have tied up to give some exclusive offers for Galaxy Watch customers. The first offer is every Samsung Galaxy Watch users will get free access to Spotify music library for first 6 months from the date of sign-up. That means, on Spotify for the first 6 months you don’t have to pay for any premium services.
The free 6 months subscription is now available for Samsung Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10e & Galaxy S10+ customers. Any users with any of these smartphones can get free services from Spotify. If you have paired Galaxy Watch with new Galaxy S devices then you can sync any songs. The same offer is now released by Google on its YouTube Premium & YouTube Music for Galaxy S10 users, where they can use free 4 months of premium services.
The second benefit for user is that they can save Spotify songs in offline mode to listen them when there is no internet connection. Users can save favorite tracks offline to listen them later and thanks to 4GB internal storage on the watch you can save songs till maximum limits. After the promotional offer ends you can pay for premium services or you can go with free services. In the free services you can listen songs but it will show you some ads or for the trouble-free music buy premium contents with their different plans.
The Spotify has huge library of different songs, most of the songs are available in English language though you will get lots of other songs. You can search your favorite music by genre, artist, category or language. This is best companion app for Apple Music, Google Play Music, Pandora & Hungama so you can use it. To download Spotify app on Samsung Galaxy Watch, go to Galaxy Store and install it.
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Tags:Apple Music, Galaxy Watch, Google Play Music, Samsung Gear S3, Samsung Wearable, SpotifyRelated Posts
About The Author
Madhav Biradar
Madhav Biradar started his career in technology back in 2011, where he covered mobile & gaming articles. He is an enthusiast in smartphone & wearable gadgets. In his free time, he likes to read about new tech gadgets and watch movies.
7 CommentsGear S3 Spotify App
BarlasGreat app but stupid distribution. Why isn’t it listed on Galaxy Store in many huge countries?
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AmanWhy it is not in India, although Spotify has already been launched in India. Please bring it to galaxy store in India so as to use Spotify on galaxy watch.
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CurrerSpotify Gear S3 Apk
No spotify on app store. One of the main reasons I wanted the watch. Definitely not a “territory” issue as a friend has it on hers. She got the watch a few mths before me.
BarryWhere is the Spotify app for the Samsumg Galaxy Watch? It isn’t in the store and Samsumg support simply say that if its not there then it’s not availability in my territory – the UK.
KeskiThis information is completely wrong and misleading. The Spotify app has been removed. Don’t confuse us with false information, Tizen is annoying enough as it is.
ScottHave you guys seen that the Spotify app appears to have been removed from the Galaxy app store?
Anurag A Swhen will spotify come to samsung galaxy watch india